Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How to Install Windows 7 without the CD key

My laptop recently crashed because of a software that I downloaded a month ago. I was running Windows 7 Ultimate, which I updated from Windows XP that I used in the past. What can I say? Everything runs so well on Windows 7.

Apparently, after my laptop's obscene crash, I looked for my Windows 7 CD Installer, but I know that I don't have its case anymore (where the cd key was written). And so, I run Windows 7 for like a week after I got a notification:

I have to key in the CD key information in 3 days!

I immediately googled for a CD key that I can use, apparently, those didn't work out right. I got another error message after I typed the wrong CD key.

And yes, I was panicking! I retyped another CD key I generated using a key generator software and I got another error message:

that time, I got at 0x error message
I stopped  for a while and solicited on Facebook who are Windows 7 users so I can use their CD keys.

I didn't get any good results.

Until I visited a website from my Technorati reviews and read until the mid-portion of the blog. Its label OS caught my attention. And I wasn't wrong.

The blogsite created by Martik Panosian helps me a lot in activating my Windows 7 without the CD key!

It worked well with different Windows OS, from Windows 7 Starter - Ultimate version, Windows Vista  Starter - Ultimate as well as Windows Server Foundation - Enterprise.

I don't have to reformat my computer just to have this work. I still run Windows 7 on my background while RemoveWAT 2.2 is running. What it does, it removes the error message asking for the CD key or any other errors that you will encounter while running your Windows version.

It worked for me and I'm sharing this to let you know there's a good website to look at if you need help technically in your Windows Operating System choice.

Click here to visit Martik Panosia's blog

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